Sum­mer Dot — Squa­re meter

126'42 152'46 

Regular glazed tile
126,42 € per square metre (44 pieces of 15 x 15 cm).

La Bisbal d'Empordà traditional glazed tile
152,46 € per square metre (44 pieces of 15 x 15 cm).


Usual deli­very time: 7–15 days.

The­se are the only avai­la­ble for­mats to buy in the web.

See other for­mats, sizes and colors in the pro­duct page.

Con­tact us for spe­cial enqui­res and/or more information.

Metro cuadrado

Azulejo esmaltado regular de 15 x 15 cm, Azulejo esmaltado tradicional de 15 x 15 cm

SKU: SUMMER-DOT-1-2 Categories: ,