
This print is a tri­bu­te to the deli­cious muf­fins. The­se irre­sis­ti­ble sweets are a good excu­se to make a break during the daily work.
Muf­fins is a print desig­ned for tile, but after one year of pro­duc­tion, Her­mès, Paris bought the rights to make a silk tie collec­tion for spring/summer 2015.


This design is con­for­med by hexa­go­nal tes­se­rae in the sha­pe of a cup­ca­ke. For its repe­ti­tion in tile, the print is fit­ted in a new squa­re tile whe­re the­re are two muf­fins divi­ded into two parts.


Bran­ca d’O­li­ve­ra” is a print we desig­ned for Her­mès in the spring-sum­mer sea­son of 2012. The French brand pro­du­ced a collec­tion of ties with this print ins­pi­red by an oli­ve branch.