
in Bus­so­ga we 

design and pro­du­ce ceramics

The stu­dio

The main focus of the stu­dio is the design rela­ted to mathe­ma­tics (from modu­lar objects to pat­terns) on the one hand, and mural art and cera­mics on the other hand. All the­se con­cepts are mate­ria­li­zed into inge­nious pat­terns which, with the aid of cera­mics, beco­me pro­ducts that empha­si­ze or give cha­rac­ter to cer­tain spaces.

The workshop

The ate­lier designs and manu­fac­tu­res pro­ducts for indoors or out­doors, from fur­ni­tu­re to cera­mic cove­rings, through cus­tom-made murals or hou­se­wa­re items.