
Desig­ned by Josep Motas

Avai­la­ble in the follo­wing formats:

Usa­ge: Inte­rior. Wall cove­ring, sho­wers, table­tops, etc.

Mate­rial: Gla­zed ceramic

Sur­fa­ce: Glossy

Thick­ness: 6mm

Water absor­ption: max. 14,3%

Deli­very time: 15–20 days

Usa­ge: Inte­rior. Wall cove­ring, sho­wers, table­tops, etc.

Mate­rial: Gla­zed ceramic

Sur­fa­ce: Glossy

Thick­ness: 6mm

Water absor­ption: = o < 14%

Deli­very time: 15–20 days

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